Best Spiritual Midwife and Trauma Coach in San Antonio

Best Spiritual Midwife and Trauma Coach in San Antonio

Taundra D. Williams, known as the Destiny Midwife, is a transformation and purpose-driven coach, lead pastor, intercessor, prophet, mother, wife, and, most importantly, a woman who desires to live her life on purpose. She is the founder and CEO of Destiny Speaks International. She uses a unique combination of prayer, coaching, and the prophetic to aid individuals in breaking cycles, diminishing triggers, removing manipulating mindsets, and healing from rejection, past pain, and toxic relationships. She is a certified master transformation coach educated in business and entrepreneurship. Her purpose is to help you transform your life and give God a total YES. She looks forward to seeing you come out with your hands up! We have work to do!
The Destiny Midwife has a deep passion to help others find their identity in Christ by giving God their complete YES! Her style of teaching illuminates her trials and triumphs, which allows her to teach, lead, and help others break cycles, diminish triggers, manipulate mindsets, heal from rejection, past pain, and heal from toxic relationships. She applies biblical wisdom to addressing issues within the tissues of your heart, mind, body, and soul. Taundra is a purpose pusher, ministering to help bring necessary healing, deliverance, coaching, counseling and emotional support that promotes wholly living from the inside out. With thirty plus years in ministry, she often says, "Destiny is always speaking, but the question is… are you listening?" Taundra is a certified Master Transformation and Purpose Driven Coach, educated in business and entrepreneurship. Excited to see the body of Christ whole again, and being a lifelong learner, she continues to pursue counseling with a specialization in premarital counseling, family violence & abuse, and mental illness. Based in San Antonio, we offer speaking engagements, goal setting for goal diggers, one-on-one soul work, ignite vision, purpose, and destiny sessions, publishing, and "go deeper in prayer" services to assist you in transforming your life.

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