Speaking Engagements

Speaking Engagements

Speaking Engagements

Book the Destiny Midwife to speak at your next event. She has spoken at women’s retreats, conferences, prayer breakfasts, gala events, churches, special events, bble studies, various women's groups and non-profit assemblies.

Do you have an event you'd like to develop a topic for? She can help you with that too.

Or book her to tell her UMUTED Story the Vision behind Destiny Speaks.

Her passion is to help others do the souls work necessary to bring them from a place called hurt to a place called healed. She has helped many women, children and men become whole, healed, and UNMUTED EVERYWHERE

"It's Hard to Be an Impostor When You Are True to Yourself!" - Taundra D. Williams

Are you ready to leave behind who you thought you were and become who God made you to be? Then Destiny Midwife is here to help you. Contact us today and us help you begin again!

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