Join the Unmuted Everywhere Community

What MUTED you? What is hindering you? Why haven't you told your TESTIMONY yet? Join us as we go to the nations with your voices, to help free all people so they too can live full and die. Click JOIN ME and a representative from our team will get back with you within 24-48 hours.

The UNMUTED EVERYWHERE is a COMMUNITY of once silent people now FREE INDEED throwing their voices like arrows to bring HOPE, HEALING, and RESTORATION to those who too had voices. Through abuse, trauma, sickness, pain, anger, sin, lust, molestation, greed, incest, rape, grief, and so much more we are crying aloud and amplifying our voices for the NATIONS!

The UNMUTED EVERYWHERE COMMUNITY is for All people, Men, Women, Boys, and Girls.

Click here to get your book and t-shirt.​

We share our stories through authoring Books, Speaking in Conferences, and Amplifying our voices all over the world in Tours!

Are you ready to tell your story to help someone else be free?

Will you join us by becoming UNMUTED?

If you answered YES to these questions... Congratulations, you have agreed to become THE UNMUTED EVERYWHERE!

Download the BAND App from the App Store or Google Play store. Create your profile. Join THE UNMUTED EVERYWHERE (group) in the BAND app by clicking here. By joining this community, you are agreeing and committing to never being silent again! This group is outside of Facebook on purpose.


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Are you ready to leave behind who you thought you were and become who God made you to be? Then Destiny Midwife is here to help you. Contact us today and us help you begin again!

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